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People leaders

Organizations are complicated. Many people leaders do not have great visibility into their teams beyond the individuals 1-2 layers below them.
Image representing people leaders

Enhance team dynamics and productivity

Polinode can provide you with a rigorous and systematic understanding of your teams and how they are working to enhance your team’s productivity and well-being.

We can assist you to answer questions such as:
  • Who are the key influencers in your team and who can you mobilize to be change agents to support your initiatives?
  • Where is there hidden and emerging talent in your organization that you can target for retention and career development?
  • Where does your team face critical dependencies and/or bottlenecks, and what can you do to better support them and/or reduce over-reliance on them to improve your team’s overall productivity?
  • What are the dynamics between different teams, including with the rest of the organization, and what can you do to encourage collaboration and/or address and resolve any potential conflicts?
  • How are your team working and who is at risk for potential overload and burn-out?
These insights can be particularly helpful for general managers, leaders of business units or multiple teams, new leaders transitioning in, leaders of hybrid and remote teams, and other senior executives.
Professional services
Understanding the constraints on your time, Polinode can either support your team in conducting their own data collection and analysis or provide comprehensive professional services. This includes designing data collection strategies, generating actionable insights, and facilitating the internal sharing of findings.

Unlock the hidden insights in your organization

Look past the boxes and lines of traditional org charts and see how your organization actually works.