Optimizing organizational design with data-driven insights
Polinode combines information about the formal structure of your organization (boxes and lines) with the informal relationships (how things actually work) to help you make better decisions about your organization’s design.

Organizations use Polinode to answer key questions such as:
Where are the critical dependencies and bottlenecks in an organization?
By understanding which teams need more access to whom, you can unlock bottlenecks and increase your organization’s speed.
Where are the areas of overload in an organization?
Use collaboration or work patterns data to identify teams that might be overstretched by too many relationships with other teams and those working extensively outside of normal business hours.
Which teams might benefit from being combined or separated?
Natural structures tend to emerge regardless of the formal structure. By analyzing informal communities, you can identify which teams might function better together or separately.
Where might teams be organized differently, for example using an agile squad structure?
Identify groups doing significant cross-functional work to determine the optimal structure to support their efforts.